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How COVID-19 stirred up the ocean of interstitial lung processes

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Diagnosis of interstitial lung processes requires comprehensive patient examination, starting with medical history taking, sometimes repeated, and in some cases including lung tissue sampling. The diverse tiology of interstitial lung processes leads to heterogeneous phenotypes of pulmonary involvement.

COVID-19 can lead to the development of interstitial lung disease, even in patients with a mild course of COVID. Case report 1 summarizes the case of a patient with pulmonary involvement which was mistakenly attributed to COVID-19.

Case report 2 summarizes the case of a patient with COVID-19 infection in the field of interstitial lung involvement following a viral respiratory infection. Patients with interstitial lung processes should be treated with thorough care, because while the new type of coronavirus infection may not be fatal, the "long COVID" syndrome may significantly impair their quality of life over time.