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Separation of diethyl phthalate from water by pervaporation

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Seventeen different kind of membranes-based on Matrimid, Ultem polymers and DAM/DABA-were prepared and applied for pervaporation of diethyl phthalate from water. They were compared to the commercial materials like PDMS, PP and PS.

The components of active layer played a crucial role on membrane process. Newly prepared membranes showed an exceptional sorption capacity (up to 100 %) comparing to the commercial membranes (around 20 %), all by reaching equivalent pervaporation results of all tested membranes (close to 40 %).

The fastest permeation was achieved by raising the temperature to 50 °C with PDMS membrane, reaching total elimination of DEP. Diethyl phthalate was preferentially passing through the membranes due to dissimilar affinity of the separation materials. (C) 2021, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society.

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