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The influence on long-term progression of multiple sclerosis - brighter days ahead? The influence on long-term progression of multiple sclerosis - brighter days ahead?

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. It is characterized by autoimmune inflammation, progressive demyelination and neurodegeneration.

The characteristics of inflammation and the representation of these processes are variable over time and interindividual. Nevertheless, certain specific common features allow the division of MS into several phenotypes.

However, the absence of a precise boundary makes determining the transition to secondary progression complicated. Clinical examination and the contact with the patient is fundamental.

Evaluation of disability using EDSS should be enriched at least with a screening test of cognition. Significant progress in recent years has provided new treatment options for progressive forms of MS.

Although neurodegeneration predominates, there is also an inflammatory activity that we can impact