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Ballads by K.J. Erben



A video recording of a performance by students of the Theatre Seminar of the Institute of Czech Studies (Czech for Foreigners). On the round anniversaries of the birth and death of the important Czech Romantic poet K.

J. Erben, the participants of the seminar staged four ballads from his immortal collection The Pose.

The performance could not be realized in its original theatrical form due to covid restrictions, therefore the only form available to the audience was a video recording. Part of the seminar included working with translations of Erben's works into the first (mother) languages of the participating students, hence the video recording could be completed with translations of Erben's ballads into 7 languages: English, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Japanese, German, Russian and Ukrainian.

Ilona Starý Kořánová - mentor and production, Martina Frejová Krátká - director, Edita Kainrathová - director of photography, Anagha Anand - editor, Aleksandra Stankova - masks and costumes, Valeriia Kliuieva and Tetiana Solomadina - music.