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Souvenirs at the Royal Route in Prague as an object of establishing and negotiating authenticity

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The study focuses on the Royal Route in Prague, the main tourist enclave in the Czech Republic. The objective of the study was to formulate a souvenir typology and ascertain the degree of authenticity including presentation of the potential and future of souvenirs at the Royal Route.

The study first presents urban tourism and tourist enclaves framing the researched subject. It goes on to describe the field research methodology used for determining the consequences of the Royal Route transformation into a tourist enclave, for definition of souvenir typology and establishment of staged authenticity.

Mixed methods research at the Royal Route focused on discovering the structure of shop tenants and assortment of the goods and services offered. Two thirds of souvenir shops have been occupied since the 1990s by entrepreneurs from Southeast, East and Middle Europe who defined basic types of souvenirs that prevail at the Royal Route even today.

The assortment of goods they offer consists typically of mass-produced souvenirs, while most of them lack any link to the Czech culture or traditions. The conclusion of the study is based on the synthesis of the methodologic part that raises a requirement for definition and conceptualization of an authentic souvenir.

At the same time, the study takes into account any possible impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic that sees the crisis as an opportunity for construction and negotiation of an authentic souvenir at the Royal Route.