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Specifics of care for tracheostomized pediatric patients - relevant topic

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


We have observed material differences in the quality of care of tracheostomized patients, with the process often being incomplete or insufficient in scope. The level of care afforded to trachestomized children and adults differs notably.

The main differences are found in fundamental procedures including the surgical method, the use of suitable type of tracheostomy tube, the frequency of replacement of tracheostomy tube and the training of parents. The care of tracheostomized child should be known multidisciplinary, mainly by anesthetists, pediatricians, neurologists, rehabilitation specialists.

Between 2014-2020 138 tracheostomies were made on pediatric patients. Separately we have gained experience with other tracheostomized patients from other hospitals.

We find an inappropriate level of education in how to care for tracheostomized children as extremely important given the high risk of suffocation, caused by obstruction or dislodgement of tracheostomy tube. In this article we provide specific details on how to improve the care for tracheostomized pediatric patients.