The article is not a classic scholarly article, but is based on lectures delivered before the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law of Charles University and the Scientific Council of Charles University in a procedure for appointment as a professor. These lectures dealt with financial law and financial science, in accordance with the Higher Education Act, in four areas (1) the discipline of financial law and financial science, (2) the scientific activities in this field, (3) the teaching and teaching activities in this field, and (4) the third role in this field.
I come to these conclusions in these areas: (1) The field of financial law and financial science, as an established branch of law which regulates particularly public finances, has an irreplaceable place among other branches of law. (2) There are a number of challenges ahead of financial law that need to be addressed, such as changing the content and the way budget and tax laws are adopted, while scientific activity in the field will always be influenced by external influences. (3) When teaching financial law, emphasis should be placed on providing students with a balanced set of knowledge, skills and competences, primarily through interactive seminars. (4) The third role of the field needs to be developed, particularly in terms of financial literacy