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New Media and Art in the 1990s in the Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The 1990s were marked by processes of gradual globalization and the interconnection of a long-divided world into East and West globally. The new media also contributed to these shifts, acting as mediators in con-necting people across the planet New media technologies were perceived in connection with the hopeful vision of interactive viewer's involvement and activation.

They were placed in opposition to the traditional mass media, especially in the countries of the former Eastern bloc, which were burdened by totalitarian regime. This fascination with the possibilities of new media also reached art, which had been increasingly connected to the world of science since the 1950s.

The art of new media thus played a signif-icant role in the formation of a new democratic society in Czechoslovakia in the 1990s and later in the Czech Republic. This study focuses on the main works, exhibitions and ideas that emerged in connection with the art of new media at that time.