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Molecular and morphological validation of the species of the genus Actinia (Actiniaria: Actiniidae) along the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The discrimination between the several species of the genus Actinia occurring in the Northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean has been made analyzing morphological characters, with emphasis on external coloration patterns and morphology of cnidom structures. In Iberia, the occurrence of more than two species of Actinia has been suggested, but its validity is yet to be confirmed.

In this paper, the identity of the species of the genus Actinia occurring along the Atlantic Iberian coast is investigated, analyzing morphological and molecular procedures. For this purpose, genetic data was collected from 140 individuals and two genetic markers were amplified and sequenced (the nuclear 28S and the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal genes).

The genetic identification was corroborated by morphological analysis of individuals representing each of the genetic groups found. This procedure led to the identification of three species occurring in the studied area - Actinia equina (L.), A. fragacea Tugwell and A. schmidti Monteiro, Sole-Cava & Thorpe.