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Johanna Domokos: Endangered Literature. Essays on Translingualism, Interculturality, and Vulnerability

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A review of a book by Johanna Domokos (Endangered Literature. Essays on Translingualism, Interculturality, and Vulnerability.

Budapest: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary & L'Harmattan Publishing, 2018, 196 pages), a Hungarian scholar from the Transylvania region of Romania, and a professor at the University of Bielefeld and the Károli Gáspár Calvinist University in Budapest. In her book, consisting of thirteen studies and divided into four parts, Domokos addresses two phenomena of literary diversity.

On the one hand, she examines the literature of endangered languages and elaborates a paradigm of endangerment both from a linguistic as well as literary point of view. On the other hand, her work focuses on the thematic, formal and stylistic aspects of multilingual and translingual literary texts.

Her monograph serves as a successful attempt at combining linguistic and literary studies.