The functional sample "Optical units for evaluation of malt (grain) properties" (MOP-V1) was developed and implemented In cooperation with VUPS, MFF UK and ČIIRK ČVUT, a.s. The first version of the device is designed for measuring modification and homogeneity of malt according to EBC standard 4.14.
The optical unit uses the image analysis method recorded in two spectral regions of light radiation, visible light and UV light. The device consists of a measuring chamber and the computer.
In the upper wall of the the optical unit there is a camera that detects a sample placed in a carrier at the unit bottom, which is illuminated in a controlled manner by alternating visible and UV radiation. White light illumination is realized by two LED strips on the walls of the optical unit, UV light illumination by a pair of super bright UV LEDs Nichia NCSU033 with a maximum luminosity at a wavelength of 365nm.
The computer controls the LEDs switching, camera image capture and image processing.