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Conceptual design of Thomson scattering diagnostics for the COMPASS-U tokamak

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostic, one of the key diagnostics used on the tokamaks around the world, is planned for the COMPASS-U tokamak, which is recently under design and construction in the Institute of Plasma Physics in Prague, Czech Republic. This tokamak is supposed to be a world-unique, high magnetic field device with hot walls, allowing for the study of the plasma exhaust in advanced operational scenarios and testing cutting-edge technologies relevant to future fusion reactors, e.g., use of liquid metals.

The core and edge TS systems are planned to be designed and operational, with a limited performance, already in the early stage of the tokamak operation. In this contribution, requirements and the most important constraints defining the TS system design are presented.

The impact of both the possible collection lens location and spatial resolution on the plasma pedestal observation is simulated. Design considerations also take into account the high-resolution TS core and edge systems available from the COMPASS tokamak, which will be reused.

The collection lenses will be newly built. Extension of the detection system will complete the plasma radius coverage in the future.

The divertor TS is considered for later periods. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.