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Multiclass Event Classification from Text


Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Abstrakt

Social media has become one of the most popular sources of information. People communicate with each other and share their ideas, commenting on global issues and events in a multilingual environment.

While social media has been popular for several years, recently, it has given an exponential rise in online data volumes because of the increasing popularity of local languages on the web. This allows researchers of the NLP community to exploit the richness of different languages while overcoming the challenges posed by these languages.

Urdu is also one of the most used local languages being used on social media. In this paper, we presented the first-ever event detection approach for Urdu language text.

Multiclass event classification is performed by popular deep learning (DL) models, i.e.,Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Recurrence Neural Network (RNN), and Deep Neural Network (DNN). The one-hot-encoding, word embedding, and term-frequency inverse document frequency- (TF-IDF-) based feature vectors are used to evaluate the Deep Learning(DL) models.

The dataset that is used for experimental work consists of more than 0.15 million (103965) labeled sentences. DNN classifier has achieved a promising accuracy of 84% in extracting and classifying the events in the Urdu language script.