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X-ray Polarization of Black-hole Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We present the theoretical spectrum and polarization properties of X-ray emission from accretion disks in active galactic nuclei (AGN). The reflected radiation from an accretion disk illuminated by a corona above is computed using the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code STOKES.

The structure of the disk, modeled as a constant density slab, has been computed with the TITAN code for optically thick and hot photo-ionized media. Further, we use the relativistic code KYNSTOKES based on our well-tested relativistic KY package to account for all relativistic effects on radiation near a black hole and to compute the total disk emission as would be detected by a distant observer.

It is then possible to predict X-ray spectral and polarization properties of an accretion disk in AGN and their dependence on various parameters of the system (spin of the black hole, ionization of the accretion disk, observer inclination). This is fundamental for the interpretation of AGN spectra and polarization obtained by the IXPE mission or the eXTP mission.