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A method of growing a homogeneous single crystal with a magnetic shape memory in a stationary state and the apparatus for doing this



The solution relates to a method and a device for growing a homogeneous single crystal with a magnetic shape memory in a steady state, in which an elongated stock precursor (3) is formed from the input materials as a powder, which, together with the single seed crystal (5) or the seed polycrystal (9) and the melting zone passing through them, is surrounded by an optically transparent and chemically stable material as a tube (1). This delimiting material of the tube (1) is transparent to visible light and / or to infrared light, has a thermal conductivity of up to 40 W / (m.

K), and is preferably selected from the group of synthetic sapphire (α-Al2O3), yttrium-aluminium garnet, aluminium-nitrite spinel, magnesium-aluminum spinel, quartz.