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Addictions in Patients with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults is clinicaly established by review of symptoms and impairment. ADHD in adults is associated with significant psychiatric comorbidity and higher than average rates of diviorce, unemployment, motor vehicle accidents and i tis a risk factor for substance abuses.

ADHD is associated with different characteristic of substance abuse: substance abuse transitions more rapidly to dependence, and lasts longer in adults with ADHD than those without ADHD. Self-medication may be a factor in the high rate of substance abuse in adults with ADHD.

Pharmacologic treatment includes noradrenergic agents and stimulants plays a fundamental role in the management of ADHD. It reduces the risk of substance abuse in patients with ADHD.

Treatment include a combination od addiction treatment, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Monitoring of patients during treatment is necessary to ensure compliance with the treatment plan.