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What can be recommended for testicular microlithiasis diagnosis in childhood

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Introduction: Testicular microlithiasis (TM) is a rare disease in the pediatric population. A possible link with testicular tumors (TC) requires appropriate attention to the disease.

The paper describes in multiple case reports our personal experiences with this disease. Materials and Methods: TM were found in 5 patients during screening ultrasound (USG) examination of the testes performed due to other pathologies of the scrotum (hydrocele, testicular retention, varicocele) or positivity in the family history of TC in the years 2010 -2020.

The age of the patients at the time of diagnosis was 18-155 months (average = 98, median = 126 months). All of them had characteristic bilateral finding.

At the same time there were diverse risk factors present in three patients (history of seminoma in the fathers of two patients, one patient after bilateral orchidopexy).