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Text-in-Context: Token-Level Error Detection for Table-to-Text Generation

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We present our Charles-UPF submission for the Shared Task on Evaluating Accuracy in Generated Texts at INLG 2021. Our system can detect the errors automatically using a combination of a rule-based natural language generation (NLG) system and pretrained language models (LMs).

We first utilize a rule-based NLG system to generate sentences with facts that can be derived from the input. For each sentence we evaluate, we select a subset of facts which are relevant by measuring semantic similarity to the sentence in question.

Finally, we finetune a pretrained language model on annotated data along with the relevant facts for fine-grained error detection. On the test set, we achieve 69% recall and 75% precision with a model trained on a mixture of human-annotated and synthetic data.