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The LMU Munich System for the WMT 2021 Large-Scale Multilingual Machine Translation Shared Task

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


This paper describes the submission of LMU Munich to the WMT 2021 multilingual machine translation task for small track #1, which studies translation between 6 languages (Croatian, Hungarian, Estonian, Serbian, Macedonian, English) in 30 directions. We investigate the extent to which bilingual translation systems can influence multilingual translation systems.

More specifically, we trained 30 bilingual translation systems, covering all language pairs, and used data augmentation techniques such as back-translation and knowledge distillation to improve the multilingual translation systems. Our best translation system scores 5 to 6 BLEU higher than a strong baseline system provided by the organizers (Goyal et al.,2021).

As seen in the Dynalab leaderboard, our submission is the only fully constrained submission that uses only the corpus provided by the organizers and does not use any pre-trained models