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Substance use in older age groups in the Czech Republic

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Background: The process of aging is associated with a number of complications that can be further exacerbated by substance use. Available foreign research information shows that this age group is relatively at high risk of substance use disorders; however, in the Czech Republic the substance use in older age groups is not systematically monitored.

Aim: The aim of the manuscript is to provide a summary of the current situation and an overview of the problem extent in the areas of alcohol use, psychoactive medicines and illicit drugs in older age groups in the Czech Republic. Methodology: The overview is based on prevalence data from the latest representative population surveys focused on substance use and data on substance use disorders treatment from health statistics.

Results: In the Czech Republic, it is possible to estimate approx. 140 thousand daily alcohol users aged 55-64 and 200 thousand persons aged 65 years and older. The risky alcohol use is estimated at 220 thousand persons aged 55-64 and 220 thousand aged 65 years and older.

The category of harmful alcohol use includes about 130 thousand persons aged 55-64 years and 100-130 thousand persons aged 65 years and older. Psychoactive medicines are currently used without medical recommendation by about 290 thousand persons aged 55-64 and 630 thousand persons aged 65 years and older.

An estimated 1,500 people aged 50 and older are long-term, regular or injecting drug users, of which an estimated 1,000 use methamphetamine and about 500 use opioids. Conclusion: The population is aging and it may be assumed that the number of people in older age groups at risk of substance use disorders, especially alcohol and psychoactive medicines, will increase.