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Methamphetamine use and consequences in context of drug situation in the Czech Republic

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Background: Methamphetamine (referred to as pervitin) has been a part of the phenomenon of illicit drug use in the Czech Republic for half a century, and situation in the Czech Republic (and Slovakia) in this regard is exceptional in the European context. Aim: To summarize evolution and current situation of in methamphetamine use in the Czech Republic in context of the overall drug situation.

Methodology: Narrative review of published data from epidemiological research and health statistics. Results: While cannabis and the most prevalent stimulant ecstasy (MDMA) are the most widespread illicit drugs in the Czech Republic, the rate of methamphetamine use in the general population among adults and young people is relatively low.

However, pervitin is the main drug in the context of so-called problem, high-risk, especially injecting drug use, which is associated with a number of health and social consequences, including crime. Since the beginning of this millennium, the use of meth has also been growing in the nightlife setting.

Due to the long-term epidemiological situation, addictology services in the Czech Republic are historically focused on meth users and opioid users as the main target groups of illegal drug users. Compared to opioid users (for whom substitution treatment is available as a first-line treatment), there are only limited specific interventions for methamphetamine users, such as the distribution of gelatin capsules as an alternative to methamphetamine injecting.

Methamphetamine substitution treatment by central stimulants is provided sporadically and off-label. Conclusion: Methamphetamine has long been the core of the drug problem in the Czech Republic.

It is the main drug within the context of high-risk (injecting) drug use and in recent years it is used also in recreational setting. Methamphetamine use significantly contributes to health and social burden of illicit drugs in the Czech Republic.