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Implementation of non-violent communication in foreign language teaching

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The article "Implementation of non-violent communication in foreign language teaching" aims to introduce the concept of non-violent communication, particularly in its contrast to verbal violence. The second part is concerned with the awareness of non-violent communication in the Czech scholar system and a possible implementation in language teaching.

Non-violent communication is a model introduced by Marshal B. Rosenberg.

The main aspiration of this communication model is creating relationships based on honesty and empathy. This objective is reached by deep understanding of one-self reactions, needs and feelings, and their communication to the partner.

Non-violent communication is in direct contradiction to verbal violence. This aims to gain an advantage over the partner and, possibly, subjugate them.

In the Czech educational system, non-violent communication is rather unknown, which fact proves a survey done by the author of this article. The language teaching is well suited for implementation of non-violent communication.

The curriculum provides many opportunities for incorporation of exercises reflecting the mentioned concept. The implementation can develop a wide range of students' competences, enrich their communication strategies, and thus contribute to holistic education.