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Virtual Exhibitions: The Attitudes and Opinions of Online Visitors from University

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The digitization in museums is increasing and expands into more areas. During 2020 museums were closed due to COVID-19 pandemic and the institution's entry into the online area was accelerated.

This study confronts 4 different types of virtual exhibitions based on online visitor's opinion. For the evaluation was chosen 360° virtual tour Secret Annex, database The Cleveland Museum of Art, videotour in DOX Centre for Contemporary Art and the virtual exhibition To Siberia from home of National Museum.

Each of the 63 respondents, who were university students, evaluated 2 exhibitions by survey in 3 main areas - form (1), content (2), experience (3). Overall they were satisfied, visitors gained new information but the ability to immerse them into the exhibition was different depending on the form and the theme.