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Covid-19 pandemic and the public health protection in Denmark

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Data available in each EU member state regarding the numbers of people infected with Covid-19, tested for it and vaccinated against it suggest that Denmark has been one of the most successful ones, as it has (at least for now) managed to somewhat keep a balance between the protection of life and health and economic loss. The designated legal framework enabling the protection of public health was enacted within one day through an unprecedented emergency parliamentary ruling, though.

Based on this act, all the necessary actions were taken for almost a year through implementing legislation and/or non-binding recommendation. In this text, the grounds for the amendments of the Act on measures against infectious and other transmittable illnesses (Lov om foranstaltninger mod smitsomme og andre overforbare sygdomme), i.e. the amendments from 12th March 2020 and subsequently the new Act on epidemic are going to be analysed.

Furthermore, the relevant legal regulation for protection of public health in times of epidemic in Denmark is going to be introduced in a way which also shows the main similarities and differences to the Czech legal regulation.