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Best practices in plant cytometry

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Flow cytometry (FCM) and flow cytometric sorting (FCS) systems have developed as experimental tools of remarkable power and are enjoying an ever-increasing impact in the general field of biology.1 Application of these tools to plant biology has developed more slowly given that the natural form of plants infrequently resembles that of the single cell suspension, prototypically the hematopoietic system that drove the original development of FCM/FCS. Nevertheless, these systems have had a profound influence at all levels of plant biology, from the study of single cells and subcellular organelles, to the behavior of populations of plants, and ultimately to the performance of ecosystems.

It is safe to say their impact has not plateaued, as further applications of this unique technology are increasingly developed by innovative scientists around the world to address questions both in the basic sciences, and to increasingly confront emerging problems in the applied sector. For example, in addressing the challenges of sustainable production of sufficient food resources based on plant breeding involving ploidy-based approaches (e.g., induction of polyploidy)2 for the needs of our future global citizens, FCM, and FCS systems will play central roles in this effort.