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Football and vitamin D

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


We are currently experiencing a worldwide pandemic of insufficient saturation of vitamin D. Athletes have the same predisposition to low levels of vitamin D as the non-sports population, for most of them vitamin D concentration is at least in part of the year below 50 mmol/l (i.e. below 20 ng/ml).

As part of the periodic health check of the football team (n=28), an examination of the state of saturation with vitamin D was performed. Seven players (25%) did not even reach 60 nmol/l.

The highest values were achieved by players who spent a week of Christmas holiday in Dubai or the Maldives (86.1 to 122.5 nmol/l). Prevention of insufficient vitamin D saturation is reasonable exposure to the sun (5 to 30 minutes of exposure to arms, legs and back several times a week), regular vitamin D supplementation (1,500-2,000 IU/day), and intake of vitamin D-rich foods.

In the winter months, vitamin D needs to be replenished, especially for those athletes living in latitudes higher than 35° north or south.