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Public Analysis # 1: Best Practice Identification



The first public analysis of the TAČR CURIE project is a key output of the first stage of the project solution and is based on professional literature, observations and approximately 30 expert interviews conducted by us. The public analysis summarizes the knowledge in terms of meaning, setting, but also the specifics of the communication of social science expertise.

This public analysis also identifies good practice from the Czech Republic and abroad. It expresses our belief that good governance can be strengthened by long-term and coordinated cooperation between scientists and public policy makers, for example through working groups.

He also notes that mediators of expertise play an important role in communication processes. Examples of good practice show the role of trust in the effective communication of expertise.

This can be exacerbated by greater openness in processes, admission of uncertainty, ignorance and past mistakes. Using examples of good practice, this analysis also addresses the issue of intelligibility in communication.

If the conclusions of the expertise are presented in a clear and structured way, the chances are that people will follow them. The target groups on which the analysis focuses are political representation, public and state administration, the media and the general public.

It is the last group of advances in science and state administration that should benefit the most, because science and state administration represent a service to citizens.