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Ecclesia cum aestimatione quoque Muslimos respicit. Studies in Christian Islamology

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The monograph presents comprehensive studies of Christian Islamology. Its title (Ecclesia cum aestimatione quoque Muslimos recipit) is inspired by text of the Declaration of the Second Vatican Council, Nostra aetate.

The author does not perceive Christian Islamology as a part of Christian theology or perhaps mission and misiology. According to the author, Christian Islamology is an independent field that must fall under religious studies, just like Islamology itself.

Christian Islamology does not evaluate the subject of its study, but it examines from the whole spectrum of possible methods and approaches (anthropologically, sociologically, culturologically...). Also Islam describes, partially interprets and explains it, in certain respects it compares it with religious facts from Christianity.

The monograph is divided into four parts. First, the author tries to define what Islam is, when he notices Muslim views and analyzes the famous Hadith Jibril.

In the second part, the author attempts a Christian view of Islam, where the author basically relies on an analysis of the Declaration of the Second Vatican Council, Nostra aetate. In the third part, the author adds several studies to the Christian-Muslim dialogue and, in particular, gives possible advice on how to speak to Muslims from the position of the Christian faith.

In the fourth part, the author presents the current challenges (human rights in Islam, citizenship as a category of Islamic jurisprudence). Finally, there is a comprehensive analysis of the document of Pope Francis and Ahmad at-Tayyeb on human brotherhood from February 2019.

It also includes a modified and newly structured Czech translation of this document. Finally, the author returns to the main topic of the monograph.

Is Christian Islamology specific in special way? The author suggests that perhaps the greatest advantage of Christian Islamology is its credibility in the eyes of Muslims. Which means also a great responsibility on the shoulders of Christian Islamologists.