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A Contrastive Study of Systemic and Functional Equivalence of Czech and Ukrainian Phraseology in Literary Translations



The article presents the results of the study of Czech-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Czech phraseological equivalence in the system of language and literary translation. The aim of the work is to ascertain how universal approaches to phraseology translation are reflected in the language corpus.

For the first time, the database of parallel texts of Czech and Ukrainian languages (InterCorp v12 - Czech - InterCorp v12 - Ukrainian corpus) of the Czech National Corpus was used, the main types of phraseological equivalents were systematized and verified at the functional level of the language. The phraseology in Ukrainian translations of four eminent Czech writers' works and in works of four eminent Ukrainian writers translated into Czech were analyzed.

It is emphasized that in relation to the translation of phraseology the concept of equivalence is relative and rather conditional. The analysis showed that the types of equivalents that reveal common features based on a certain set of criteria are purely hypothetical: they do not take into account the functional features of phraseology.

This parameter is relevant for translation. The identification of functional equivalents on the material of a representative set of texts, firstly, indicates the dependence of the equivalent not only on context but also on subjective factors, and secondly, expands our understanding of the possibilities of using stylistically adequate non-phraseological means (lexical, periphrastic, etc.) in translations instead of phraseology.

Thus, the Parallel Corpus InterCorp of the CNC is an important empirical basis for research into the interlingual connections of phraseology; it contributes to the complementarity of bilingual phraseology, deepens the theory and practice of translation and has practical significance in teaching Czech and Ukrainian as foreign languages. The article is a contribution to the theoretical and practical methods of contrastive linguistic studies on the material of Czech and Ukrainian languages.