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Introduction: LOHAS - an environmental stewards, LOHAS consumers are socially responsible, driven to protect the environment, and are avid users of green products. They take action to ensure personal and planetary health and influence others to do the same.

NATURALITES they are passionate about their own personal health, and use many natural consumer packaged goods to address that interest. While less attitudinally committed to the environmental space, they are a good secondary target for many companies, including companies with a slightly more mainstream position.

DRIFTERS have good intentions about acting in environmentally- and sociallyconscious ways, but when it comes to behavior, other factors have more influence in their decisions. Somewhat price sensitive (and trendy), they are full of reasons why they do not make environmentally-friendly choices.

CONVENTIONALS - their attitudes are not easily categorized, but they show predisposition to various "practical" LOHAS products and activities. CONVENTIONALS are identifying small changes they can make in their behavior that allow them to participate in the green revolution.

With green product proliferation, it is increasingly easy for them to do something. UNCONCERNED - they are not interested in the environment, sustainibility and society.

The aim ofthis research is to realize and evaluate the pilot version of an original tool for identifying the lifestyles of university students. According to results the first analysis of lifestyles of Czech university youth will be done.

University students are a specific group. Research questions / Purpose of the program: We ask How many LOHAS are there between students? As far as we know, research on the lifestyles of university students has not yet been carried out.

Methodology / Program description: To achieve this goal, a representative online questionary based survey is created. Respondents will be (October-November 2021) students from three Czech universities from different parts of the country (Charles University, J.E.

Purkyne University, and Palacký University Olomouc). An author's analytical tool based on several standardized research tools focused on the analysis of lifestyles will be applied, e.g. the LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) Scale will be used (Choi & Feinberg, 2021).

Findings / Experience and evaluation: Will be added in January 2022 Conclusion & recommendations for theory and practice, and References: Will be added in January 2022.