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Historical Sources of Giant Mountain - Solution for Digital Archives

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The Giant Mountains is a region affected by a loss of historical and cultural memory due to the post-war radical political and social transformation of the local society. Efforts to recognize and analyze the historical and cultural identities of the region are greatly complicated primarily by the local, linguistic, and institutional fragmentation of the information sources.

With the growing importance of computer technology in all fields, including social sciences, history and cultural studies, there is a need to digitise sources but also metasources and to create unified archives where all this information can be collected in an appropriate structure and then further worked with. The objective of the article is to present the design and development of a dedicated database for the project "Historical sources of Giant Mountains: Development of a system of record keeping, processing and presentation of (historical) sources for the history and for the culture of Giant Mountains and its use in research and in education".

The specialized database will, through its innovative software solution for recording, processing and presenting, gather and analyze the representative sources - corcontica (including annotations highlighting regional peculiarities), and refer to their physical location and to their digital versions where relevant. Accordingly, the article focuses primarily on describing individual database modules and their interlinks.