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Towards a functional aspectology of verbs of motion in Russian and Czech


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The subject of this paper is the close but complex relationship between the two dichotomic categories a) (in)determinacy of verbs of motion and b) verbal aspect in modern Russian and Czech. In the first section I argue for the theoretical hypothesis that the category of (in)determinacy of verbs of motion is not only a lexical one with some grammatical features resembling aspect, but that in specific contexts the indeterminate verb should even be defined as an aspectual partner of the respective pv determinate verb, i.e. with a grammatical rather than a lexical status.

I show that the notion of 'indeterminacy' in such cases is rather misleading, if it is taken as a lexical semantic rather than just a morpho-grammatical term. The sekond section is based on Lehmann's theory of functional aspectual partnerships and deals first with the aspectual relations among indeterminate and determinate verbs respectively, and sekond with those between the two categories, also pointing to the main differences in the usage of determinate and indeterminate verbs of motion in Russian and Czech on the basis of the differences of the respective aspect systems.