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Immune disorders and autoimunity in COVID-19 disease

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The end of 2019 and then the whole of 2020 were marked by a pandemic of COVID-19, which continues with unabated force so far. The first disease case was recorded in the Czech Republic in March 2020.

In February 2021, a year after the beginning of the history of the disease in the Czech Republic, the Czech Society of Allergology and Clinial Immunology organized its regular on-line meeting dedicated to the issue of COVID-19. The agenda of the meeting included summary information on the diagnosis and treatment of this disease, taking into account one year of experience, and also addressed the current issue of vaccination against this disease.

Presentations are available at The block of lectures was then concluded with a lecture summarizing current knowledge about immune disorders predisposing to severe disease and autoimmune reactions, which proved to be an integral part of COVID-19.

The latter article then deals with this last part.