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Interpretable functional specialization emerges in deep convolutional networks trained on brain signals

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


OBJECTIVE: Functional specialization is fundamental to neural information processing. Here, we study whether and how functional specialization emerges in artificial deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) during a brain-computer interfacing (BCI) task.

APPROACH: We trained CNNs to predict hand movement speed from intracranial EEG (iEEG) and delineated how units across the different CNN hidden layers learned to represent the iEEG signal. MAIN RESULTS: We show that distinct, functionally interpretable neural populations emerged as a result of the training process.

While some units became sensitive to either iEEG amplitude or phase, others showed bimodal behavior with significant sensitivity to both features. Pruning of highly-sensitive units resulted in a steep drop of decoding accuracy not observed for pruning of less sensitive units, highlighting the functional relevance of the amplitude- and phase-specialized populations.

SIGNIFICANCE: We anticipate that emergent functional specialization as uncovered here will become a key concept in research towards interpretable deep learning for neuroscience and BCI applications.