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Analysis of the Group of Pediatric Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Data From the Czech National Registry

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Importance: Multiple sclerosis can also affect children. Approximately 3-10% of patients develop multiple sclerosis before the age of 16.

Objective: The aim of this analysis is to describe the characteristics of pediatric patients with multiple sclerosis who started their treatment with disease-modifying drugs in 2013-2020, with data obtained from the Czech National Registry of patients with multiple sclerosis. Design and Setting: A method of retrospective analysis conducted with 134 pediatric patients with multiple sclerosis was used.

Results: The findings reveal that the mean age at the date of the introduction of the first disease-modifying drugs treatment is 15.89 years, and gender does not play any role. In addition, moderate (51.6%) and mild (45.2%) relapses are predominant in these young patients.

Seventy five percent of patients will not experience a confirmed progression of the expanded disability status scale within 54.7 months from starting the treatment. Furthermore, the results confirm that the first-choice treatment is interferon beta-a and glatiramer acetate, which is common for adult patients.

However, some factors, such as a low efficacy or a lack of tolerance may impact on treatment discontinuation in children. Conclusion: More research should be performed on novel disease-modifying drugs for this target group.