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Balint group - looking for hidden meanings in relationship of doctor and patient

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Dealing with an extensive workload of doctors can be manifested in different ways and often causes significant stress for the professionals. If the doctor is not able to cope with the extensive workload, he/she can experience burnout syndrome.

This can be caused by physical and emotional exertion. The relationship between the doctor and the patient is one of the significant factors that influences the process and the outcome of any medical treatment.

Michael Balint, who is considered the pioneer of the field of psychosomatics, had studied the relationship between the doctor and his/her patient. Michael Balint introduced the Balint groups for doctors in the form of training seminars.

He opened a space for the medical professionals to share the difficulties they were facing while caring for the patient. This article presents a brief overview of Balint's life and introduces the structure of the Balint groups, their aims and their use within self-experience and supervision for helping professions.