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Recent advances in the potential applications of luminescence-based, SPR-based, and carbon-based biosensors

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The need for biosensors has evolved in the detection of molecules, diseases, and pollution from various sources. This requirement has headed to the development of accurate and powerful equipment for analysis using biological sensing component as a biosensor.

Biosensors have the advantage of rapid detection that can beat the conventional methods for the detection of the same molecules. Bio-chemiluminescence-based sensors are very sensitive during use in biological immune assay systems.

Optical biosensors are emerging with time as they have the advantage that they act with a change in the refractive index. Carbon nanotube-based sensors are another area that has an important role in the biosensor field.

Bioluminescence gives much higher quantum yields than classical chemiluminescence. Electro-generated bioluminescence has the advantage of miniature size and can produce a high signal-to-noise ratio and the controlled emission.

Recent advances in biological techniques and instrumentation involving fluorescence tag to nanomaterials have increased the sensitivity limit of biosensors. Integrated approaches provided a better perspective for developing specific and sensitive biosensors with high regenerative potentials.

This paper mainly focuses on sensors that are important for the detection of multiple molecules related to clinical and environmental applications.