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Local therapy of uveal melanomas

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Uveal melanomas are the most common primary intraocular malignity in adults and accounting for about 5-10% of all melanomas. The choise of treatment for uveal melanomas depends on the place of growth of melanoma, its spread, size, visual acuity and the general condition of the patient.

Options for small melanomas are transpupillary thermotherapy, for small amelanotic melanomas photodynamic therapy and for small and medium tumors brachytherapy or for large tumors teletherapy. Surgical solutions is offered mainly for melanomas of the iris and ciliary body and endoresection is performed in selected cases for large tumors with not too wide a base.

For large melanomas in eyes with other associated complications the enucleation is indicated. For tumors with comfirmed extrabulbar spread the exenteration is performer.

Tumor monitoring is indicated in cases seriously ill patients or in cases with a non-progressive finding.