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Adverse effects of targeted cancer treatment

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Targeted therapy, along with immunotherapy, is considered one of the greatest advances in cancer treatment in the last decade. Its efficacy has changed the prognosis across oncology.

The general mechanism of action of targeted therapy involves inhibition of aberrant signalling pathways that are responsible for tumour growth. However, given the fact that these signalling pathways are also present in healthy cells, potential adverse effects should be taken into account.

The most frequent and most severe adverse effects encountered in oncological practice include dermal, vascular, gastrointestinal, cardiac and mucosal toxicity, as well as osteonecrosis of the jaw. The management of adverse effects associated with the administration of targeted therapy also involves raising patient awareness of anticipated treatment complications and of the ways of preventing them.

The aim of this article is to present a coherent and concise overview of the most frequent adverse effects and their possible management.