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From Church to the Streets

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


I am from the feminist group RFK (Radical Feminist Christian), which criticizes the patriarchal structure in society and in the churches. We've made a few happenings and performances in the public space.

I would like to present two of them. The first was the imitation of the Last Supper, which we recontextualized for current times.

The whole action was under the art platform "Terén", which helped us with production and with the design of the place. The second one was the ordination of the supermarket that was bought by the archbishopric in Brno.

We created the fake events, but we tried to see as though we were the real representatives of the church, and we made a whole ordination and symbolic ceremony. In my presentation, I would like to point out the symbolic value of this happenings and zoom in on the process of creation and the results of our debates and dilemmas inside the activist group.

I would like to show the moral/ethical dilemmas that come with activism in the churches.