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Treatment options for rectal cancer

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies in all developed countries. Thanks to the introduction of colorectal cancer screening in the Czech Republic, an improvement in the situation has been observed in recent years, especially a stabilization of incidence and a decrease in mortality.

Colon and rectal cancer has many similarities, but there are some differences between them, especially in treatment. The current treatment of rectal cancer is multimodal.

The refinement of imaging methods, surgical and onco-logical treatment has led to a significant improvement in the prognosis of patients in recent years. The risk of local recurrence has decreased and most patients end up with sphincter-saving surgery.

The introduction of minimally invasive surgery has shortened patients' recovery while maintaining oncological radicality. To ensure a good outcome, patients should be treated in cancer centres.