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Propaganda Raid of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army to the West and Czechoslovakia

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The article examines the activities of sotnias (company) of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army on the territory of Czechoslovakia in the period of June to November 1947. The article explains the reaons of the so called Raid of UPA to the West, the situation and reaction of Czechoslovakia following the crossing of borders by UPA and the course of antipartysan operations in Slovakia, Moravia and Bohemia against UPA units.

Three subchapters are dedicated to three organised units of UPA that attempted to cross Czechoslovakia to the American Occupation Zone of Germany. The article provides statistic data, results and losses of both sides, accompanied by many citations from the original sources created by the Czechoslovak commanding officers that describe the participations of both Czechoslovak and Ukrainian forces.

The article presents previously unknown facts regardingn certain events based on both Czechoslovak and Ukrainian sources and debunks certains myths that are common within the problematic. Based on the analysis of the sources the author presents the opinion that Czechoslovakia was obliged to take action against the raiding UPA units.

The so-called action B, though, did not reflect the true nature of "Banderite danger" as presented mostly by the communist press, the reaction of the state was inadequate and amateurish and the UPA units did not commit mass criminal activies on the Czechoslovak territory.