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Female urinary incontinence: an unpleasant but treatable problem at any age

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Urinary incontinence - the inability to control urination - is certainly one of the most degrading conditions. Its consequences are reflected in all areas of personal and social life of the affected woman and thus significantly reduce its quality.

Our publication therefore wants to contribute to a better awareness of this common disease and to motivate readers in a non-violent way to visit a doctor in time, who will help them to get rid of the problem painlessly and completely, or at least minimize it. The causes and risk factors of incontinence, its types (especially stress incontinence and hyperactive bladder), non-invasive and invasive examination methods are discussed.

The author draws attention to the high effectiveness of both surgical and drug treatment methods, but also to the financial costs associated with the treatment of this disease. A separate chapter is devoted to risk factors, prevention and treatment of urinary tract inflammation as a related problem.