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Effects of rib mobilisation according to Ludmila Mojžíšová on the muscle tone and trophic changes of the cervical muscles

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The mobilisation of ribs according to L. Mojžíšová is an often discussed topic.

L. Mojžíšová authored the description of relationship between costovertebral joint blockages and hypertonus of certain muscles.

The aim of this study was to verify the relationship between a functional joint blockage of the right side sternoclavicular joint with a described hypertonus of m. sternocleidomastoid, the relationship between the first right side costovertebral joint with a described hypertonus of m. scalenus anterior and the second costovertebral joint with hypertonus of m. scalenus medius. A group of 30 individuals aged 19 to 36 years (14 women and 16 men) suffering from functional blockages of upper costovertebral joints has been examined.

Muscle tone of m. sternocleidomastoid, m. scalenus anterior and m. scalenus medius has been determined by palpation and evaluated on a numeric pain rating scale (0-10). Additionally, the sonographic measurement of the diagonal surface of the above-mentioned muscles has been used.

This measurement has been taken in an exactly defined body position of all participants. The group has been examined twice, once during the initial examination and once during the exit examination.

After the initial examination, the therapeutic intervention by rib mobilisation according to L. Mojžíšová has been performed, mobilising the first costovertebral joint and the sternoclavicular joint.

The exit examination has shown statistically significant changes in the surface diameter of m. sternocleidomastoid, m. scalenus anterior and m. scalenus medius following the mobilisation. The muscle cross-section diameter changes were recorded on the level of significance P < 0.05.

Changes on the muscle palpation numeric pain rating scale have also been recorded. The results of this study show that the mobilisation techniques according to L.

Mojžíšová lead to significant changes in muscle tone of the evaluated muscles.