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The burial ground in Seloutky - "Na Šťastných" (CZ) and its impact for the East Hallstatt culture

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In the Hallstatt Period, we classify Moravia as the East Hallstatt culture. The priority of recent research was the elaboration of the chronology of both regional groups - the Horákov group in Southern Moravia and the Platěnice group in Central and Eastern Moravia.

Graves and hoards with metal and glass finds are the basis of the current chronological system of both groups (Ha C1-D1), their development in the Late Hallstatt Period (Ha D2-D3) and the Early La Tène Period (LT A). The chronology of the Platěnice group has not yet been elaborated, a new progress is the burial ground Seloutky - "Na Šťastných", Prostějov District, with 50 graves and 1 cremation ground.

There were 13 chamber graves. With 11 dated graves and 1 cremation ground, they form about 10 % of all dated units into one Reinecke phase or sub-phase in Moravia.

The result was achieved by connecting with the chronology of the Horákov group, which was previously processed.