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Habrůvka (Blansko District), Býčí skála Cave; plot No. 433/7

Publication at Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts |


In 2021, trenches No. 3-6 containing Hallstatt period sediments were examined in the Entrance Hall of the Býčí skála Cave, Habrůvka (Blansko District). The upper layers of the extended trench No. 3 were intact Hallstatt period layers in the form of sandy alluvial sediments after flooding (Wankel A).

In trench No. 4, the SE profile was documented, where a bifurcated in-situ Hallstatt period layer with evidence of a sandy alluvial layer was newly recorded (Wankel C-D). In trench No. 5 (Fig. 7), Wankel's so-called large cremation ground (Wankel D) was found in situ with luxury finds above it.

In trench No. 6 (Fig. 8), the slope to the Lower Entrance, Wankel's so-called pavement (Wankel D) and sandy alluvial sediments were documented at the pillar (Wankel A).