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Formal analysis of national scientific journals: The case of the didactics of biology and pedagogy

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The aim of the research was a formal analysis of national scholarly journals that are relevant for the work of biology didactics. 14 Czech and 7 Slovak journals were included in the final study. Formal information was collected from publicly available sources, and divided into four groups: general aspects, accessibility, formal requirements of manuscripts, and content indexing.

The analysis of the data showed some limitations of the journals, such as insufficient technical equipment, inconsistency of citation standards or shortcomings in the archiving of online journals. Analysis of the similarity of journals showed a significant difference between the journals that are indexed in databases such as Scopus or Erih+, and also Czech and Slovak journals.

Criteria with significant differences included accessibility of bibliographic metadata, citation standards, and DOI use. Although the formal descriptors have limited informative value, the identified clusters seem valid and corresponded well to the perception of journals by the professional community.