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Safe and Didactically Proven School Chemical Experiments: On-line Database eBedox

Publication at Faculty of Education |


BEDOX project aimed at safe laboratory practice in general chemical education. The database contains proven instructions for chemistry experiments, including elaborated videos and comprehensive manuals. For each experiment, there is

1) general information: about the appropriate target group, thematic unit, type of experiment, possible hazards, level of health risk and time required,

2) instructional materials,

3) information on the practical implementation of the experiment: equipment and tools needed, instructions for conducting the experiment,

4) chemicals together with their safety data sheets,

5) didactic part: explanation of the nature of the experiment, verification of the correct execution (result) and the practical context of the experiment, and

6) instructions for the safe conduct of the experiment: working with the substances used, use of laboratory equipment and apparatus, waste disposal, working with flammable substances and gases and prohibited activities. The database is intended mainly for chemistry teachers, out-of-school chemistry-related activity supervisors and, last but not least, chemistry teacher trainers and is available on the website