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Balance disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis and possible rehabilitation therapy - current findings from controlled clinical trials

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


This review article summarizes the results from rehabilitation and physiotherapeutic clinical studies with balance intervention in people with MS. The databases of medical literature PubMed and PEDro were searched using a combination of these keywords: balance, training, exercise, rehabilitation, multiple sclerosis.

In total 183 papers were screened and 104 papers were included. In available studies, various rehabilitation interventions for balance improvement were used.

Most frequently diff erent types of physiotherapeutic approach, balance training, resistance training, gait trainig and virtual reality or robotics. The most eff ective are balance programs aimed at individual diffi culties based on the individual balance assessment or organized in groups.

To achieve a suffi cient eff ect, however, balance training must be adequately intensive.