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Shadows of the Great War : The Influence of the World Conflagration 1914-1918 on Interwar Development

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The chapter deals with the global effects of the World War 1914-1918 on the transformation of the world order as well as the effects on the position of power, the economy, internal and international politics, which the results of the war brought to individual regions of the world and to individual states. The war significantly weakened the position of Europe in favor of the USA, but the self-confidence of Third World countries (Japan) also began to grow, and resistance against the colonial system grew stronger.

The war significantly strengthened the role of mass movements in history and indirectly prepared the conditions for the birth of their extreme variants (communist movements, fascism). The author of the study concludes that rather than the culmination of humanity's spiritual crisis, it is more realistic to view the First World War as Ferguson's "age of hate".